We get it-- the IRS is scary. We wouldn’t be the IRS Hostage Negotiators if they were easy to deal with! When it comes to the IRS and how they intimidate or punish taxpayers, there is a lot of misinformation out there. At IRS Hostage Negotiators, we field questions...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
In an effort to help the our friend and family find reliable resources to get updates and to make determinations about what "smart" behavior looks like we have started this blog post to proved a list of reliable resources as we hear about them. We will add to the...
IRS Postponing Most Filing and Payment Deadlines Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
The IRS has postponed most tax filing and payment deadlines until July 15, 2020 due to COVID-19. The IRS issued Notice 2020-23, which grants relief for returns, tax payments, and other tax-related actions. According to Notice 2020-23 no late-filing penalty,...
Small Business Owner: Owe Payroll Taxes? Now What?!?!
Unpaid payroll taxes are a serious matter to the IRS and are some of the worst kind of back taxes you can owe. If you’re a small business owner with a payroll tax problem, read on to learn what you can do to avoid the IRS crippling your business or worse, shutting...
Welcome to our new Blog!
We’re excited to announce the official launch of our blog!!! We’ll be posting helpful news related to common tax troubles and what you can do to stay in compliance and/or get out of hot water and back on track. This practice was built to help taxpayers needing help to...